People and Research People

People Details

Prof. QI Yaxuan


Associate Professor

9-236, Lau Ming Wai Academic Building, City University of Hong Kong
+852 34429967

Research Areas

Corporate Finance
Political Economy
Law and Finance


PhD - Finance (Rutgers University)
MA - Finance (Renmin University of China)
BA - Investment & Law (Central University of Finance & Economics)


Professor Qi's research explores the dynamic interplay between corporate finance and various external institutional factors. Her work investigates how corporations adapt their investment and financing strategies in response to institutional changes, integrating disciplines such as law, political science, and environmental studies. Her work has been published in leading journals such as the Journal of Financial EconomicsJournal of Financial and Quantitative AnalysisThe Accounting ReviewJournal of Public EconomicsJournal of Law and Economics, and Journal of International Business Studies. Professor Qi teaches “Corporate Finance” and “Sustainable Finance” across various academic levels, from undergraduate to executive education. Before joining CitUHK, she was a tenured Associate Professor in the Department of Finance at Concordia University, Canada.


Award TitleInstitution
College of Business Teaching Excellent Award 2023City University of Hong Kong
Petro-Canada Young Innovator Award 2012Concordia University
Dean’s Award for Distinguished Junior Scholar 2010Concordia University
Mirae Asset Securities Co., Ltd Outstanding Paper Award 2009International Conference in Asia-Pacific Financial Markets
The Best Paper in International Finance 2008Financial Management Association International
First Place, the Best Dissertation Proposal Award 2006Financial Management Association International
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Research Grants

PI: "Does automation make workplace safer", University of Grants Committee of Hong Kong - The General Research Fund (GRF) , Amount: HKD$484,802 (2023-2025), Xiaoli Hu, Yaxuan Qi (PI), Rengong Zhang

PI: "Political Relations and Global Supply Chains", University of Grants Committee of Hong Kong - The General Research Fund (GRF) , Amount: HKD$401,354 (2022-2025), Yaxuan Qi (PI),

PI: "Legal Institutions, Political Uncertainty, and Economic Stability: Empirical Studies", Standard Research Grant - Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Amount: CAD$123,271 (2012-2015), Pengjie Gao, Yaxuan Qi (PI),

PI: "An Empirical Study of Relative Utility Models and Asset Pricing", Établissement de nouveaux professeurs chercheurs - Fonds de recherché société et culture Québec , Amount: CAD$31,786 (2009-2012), Yaxuan Qi

PI: "Re-examining the Role of Law in Financial Development by Incorporating Political Factors and Corporate Contracts: Evidence from International Bond Markets", Research Grants-Special Call in Management, Busine - Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Amount: CAD$91,202 (2008-2011), Yaxuan Qi (PI), Lukas Roth, and John Wald

Selected Publications

Journal Publications and Reviews

Adasi Manu, Sylvester; Qi, Yaxuan / CEO social connections and bank systemic risk: The “dark side” of social networks. November 2023; In: Journal of Banking and Finance. Vol. 156

Liang, Claire; Qi, Yaxuan; Zhang, Rengong (Alex); Zhu, Haoran / Does Sunlight Kill Germs? Stock Market Listing and Workplace Safety. June 2023; In: Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis. Vol. 58, No. 4, pp. 1645-1674

Bilicka, Katarzyna; Qi, Yaxuan; Xing, Jing / Real responses to anti-tax avoidance: Evidence from the UK Worldwide Debt Cap. October 2022; In: Journal of Public Economics. Vol. 214

Mansi, Sattar A.; Qi, Yaxuan; Wald, John K. / Bond covenants, bankruptcy risk, and the cost of debt. February 2021; In: Journal of Corporate Finance. Vol. 66

Qi, Yaxuan; Roth, Lukas; Wald, John / Creditor protection laws, debt financing, and corporate investment over the business cycle. May 2017; In: Journal of International Business Studies. Vol. 48, No. 4, pp. 477-497

PALIA, Darius; QI, Yaxuan; WU, Yangru / Heterogeneous background risks and portfolio choice: Evidence from micro-level data. December 2014; In: Journal of Money, Credit and Banking. Vol. 46, No. 8, pp. 1687-1720

Qi, Yaxuan; Roth, Lukas; Wald, John K / How legal environments affect the use of bond covenants. February 2011; In: Journal of International Business Studies. Vol. 42, No. 2, pp. 235-262

Kim, Dongcheol; Qi, Yaxuan / Accruals quality, stock returns, and macroeconomic conditions. May 2010; In: Accounting Review. Vol. 85, No. 3, pp. 937-978

Qi, Yaxuan; Roth, Lukas; Wald, John K. / Political rights and the cost of debt. February 2010; In: Journal of Financial Economics. Vol. 95, No. 2, pp. 202-226

Qi, Yaxuan; Wald, John / State laws and debt covenants. February 2008; In: Journal of Law and Economics. Vol. 51, No. 1, pp. 179-207

Conference Papers

Bei, Zeyun; Qi, Yaxuan; Zhou, Yinggang / Global Supply Chain Adjustment under the US Sanctions: Firm-level Evidence. July 2024; 2024 China International Conference in Finance (CICF 2024), 08/07/2024 - 11/07/2024, , .

Hasan, Iftekhar ; Krause, Thomas; Qi, Yaxuan / Do Women Political Leaders Enhance Government Financial Conditions? Evidence from U.S. Cities. August 2020; 47th European Finance Association Annual meeting (EFA 2020), 20/08/2020 - 21/08/2020, , .

Wald, John K.; Mansi, Sattar; Qi, Yaxuan / Is Foreign Exchange Exposure Priced? Evidence from the Bond Market. July 2020; 2020 Annual conference of the Academy of International Business (AIB 2020), 01/07/2020 - 09/07/2020, Miami, Florida, United States.

Chapters, Conference Papers, Creative and Literary Works

Longo, John M.; Qi, Yaxuan / From birth to death: The lifecycle of a hedge fund investment strategy. January 2009; Hedge Fund Alpha: A Framework for Generating and Understanding Investment Performance. pp. 249-264

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