People and Research People

People Details

Prof. XU Zibin


Associate Professor

10-224, Lau Ming Wai Academic Building, City University of Hong Kong
+852 34424430
+852 34420346

Research Areas

Analytical Models, Reduced-form Models


PhD - Marketing (University of Southern California)


Zibin studies the economics of marketing strategies such as the implications of big data, personalized product recommendation, pricing, and information design. He received a Ph.D. in business administration from University of Southern California (USC). His recent research have appeared in top journals such as Marketing Science, Management Science, International Journal of Reseach in Marketing, and Journal of Retailing.

He teaches undergraduate, graduate and executive courses ranging from marketing analytics to competitive strategies. He has won prestigeous teaching awards, including the second prize in National Teaching Contest (Shanghai Social Science Group), and the University Excellence in Teaching Award at USC. He received several external research grants (HK$1.4 million in total) from Hong Kong GRF and China NSFC. Before joining CityU, he worked at Shanghai Jiao Tong University as an assitant and associate professor.

Zibin serves as PhD coordinator for the department and recruits doctoral students with strong modeling and analytics kills.

Research Grants

PI: "Biased Product Recommendation under Data Compliance ", General Research Grant (Score 5/5) - Hong Kong GEC, Amount: HK$270,000 (2023-2025), Zibin XU

PI: "Superior Knowledge and Consumer Deliiberation", Seed Fund and Internal Strategy Fund - City University of Hong Kong, Amount: HK$ 400,000 (2021-2024), Zibin Xu

PI: "Information Design and Digital Marketing", General Research Grant - National Natural Science Foundation of China, Amount: ¥480,000 (2021-2024), Zibin Xu

co-PI: "Omi-channel Management in the Era of Digital Marketing", Key Project - National Natural Science Foundation of China, Amount: ¥ 2,400,000 (2018-2023), Yi Liu, et al.

PI: "Digital Marketing Strategies: Seller Screening and Consumer Privacy ", Early Career Grant (Performance: High Distinction) - National Natural Science Foundation of China, Amount: ¥190,000 (2019-2021), Zibin Xu

PI: "Product Line Design with Superior Preference Information", Seed Funding - Shanghai Jiao Tong University, Amount: ¥ 200,000 (2017-2021), Zibin XU

PI: "Seller Service Management and Screening Strategies", General Research Grant - Shanghai Pujiang Scholar Grant, Amount: ¥150,000 (2018-2020), Zibin XU

PI: "The Impact of Ecommerce Platform Screening on Customer Service", General Research Grant - Zizhu Cultural and Creative Industry Research Grant, Amount: ¥200,000 (2018-2020), Zibin Xu

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Journal Publications and Reviews

Xu, Zibin; Zhu, Yi; Dutta, Shantanu / Adverse inclusion of asymmetric advertisers in position auctions. September 2023; In: International Journal of Research in Marketing. Vol. 40, No. 3, pp. 724-740

Li, Xi; Xu, Zibin / Superior Knowledge, Price Discrimination, and Customer Inspection. March 2022; In: Marketing Science.

Xu, Zibin; Dukes, Anthony / Personalization from Customer Data Aggregation Using List Price. August 2021; In: Management Science.

Ingene, Charles A.; Parry, Mark E.; Xu, Zibin / Resale Price Maintenance: Customer Service Without Free Riding. December 2020; In: Journal of Retailing. Vol. 96, No. 4, pp. 563-577

Xu, Zibin; Dukes, Anthony / Product line design under preference uncertainty using aggregate consumer data. July 2019; In: Marketing Science. Vol. 38, No. 4, pp. 669-689

Xu, Zibin; Parry, Mark E.; Song, Michael / The impact of technology transfer office characteristics on university invention disclosure. May 2011; In: IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. Vol. 58, No. 2, pp. 212-227

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