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Double standards

Daryl Chan

“I don't have a particular story to share. Every day is a learning experience.” Daryl Chan, Head of Capital Markets Middle Office & Treasury Operations at Natixis, explained that “there is no one single event that can outshine another.” Each event in life is important and inspiring. It depends on how you look at the situation.

On many occasions, people tend to only look at one side of an issue, which may represent their point of view. For instance, a son comments on his mom’s cooking “Mom, you can’t cook.” Some may think that there’s nothing wrong with this comment, but if we were to reflect on it, the next question that may pop up is: “Can you cook as well as your mom?”

Hence, on a larger scale, it is important to think about both sides of an issue or situation and even apply a “Double Standards” concept before making any judgments. This can enhance personal development and promote a positive attitude in you and others.

The successful implementation of the “Double Standards” principle in the workforce will not only reduce conflicts among employees, but also enhance team bonding. Daryl believes that it is difficult for a single person to achieve major successes alone; it is important to have support from a team.

The first step to achieving a successful business is to have a united team. Being a good leader that can cooperate well with the team, manage and understand the strengths and weaknesses of each team member will set forth a good foundation for developing a top-notch and united team.

Daryl Chan, alumni stories

Rethinking your role in society

In society, the government provides great services to its residents and citizens. But recently, there seems to be a misunderstanding or “misuse” of services provided by the public sector.

“It is the Government’s responsibility to help the citizens. It is the University’s responsibility to support and assist students in pursuing higher education.” While none would disagree with the above statements, there have been cases of abusing the benefits of such services. Any interactions and services should operate on a two-way channel, i.e. the government/ universities providing services to the public, and the public doing their share for the community simultaneously. It is time for us to rethink our position in the society; our contributions to others and the promise to ourselves.

Words of Advice

“There is always room for improvement. Opportunities are given to those who are well prepared. Have a goal in mind and work towards it.”

- Daryl Chan

( Apr 2013 )