“You can go the distance You can run the mile
You can walk straight through hell with a smile
You can be the hero You can get the gold
Breaking all the records they thought never could be broke”
(The Script – Hall Of Fame)
If there is any advice I would give to other students, it is “make everything count”. There may be numerous standards of what to do and what to achieve set by others, but everyone has their own unique story and adventures. It is up to you to decide your very own path. In my story, I chose to do the following during my academic years:

Taekwondo University Team
Being part of the CityU Taekwondo Team was one of the most memorable achievements. It was challenging at first - for you had to stick with a tough training schedule while managing your studies and live a disciplined life. But I have no regrets at all, as both my mindset and skills developed. It was also my honour to represent CityU in competitions and fight for glory. During my senior years I became part of the Sports Team Council so I could give back to the junior teammates and help them enjoy the experience of being in a top class student sports team. I met a lot of friends here and we will always brighten each other whenever the dark time comes.

During my transitional period between my third year and final year, I made an important decision. I took study leave and participated in the HSBC Co-op student trainee programme. This offered me a chance to work in the Risk Management department of the bank for one year. Some may not have taken this path as you have to defer for a year before graduating. For me, I think it was worth it since I could explore a potential work field and think it over before making any final career decisions. During this year, I was delighted that my colleagues and seniors were very helpful and taught me a lot. They were very patient in explaining the significance of every piece of work in detail. I was also able to participate in various events such as Risk Conferences, Town Halls and the Annual Party. Throughout this year, I realized how tough it would be when we graduated and I treasured the time.

Whilst we strive hard to achieve certain things for our future, there is always someone out there who may require our assistance. The meaning of life is also to sparkle the life of another person. Therefore, during my leisure time, I participated in some voluntary activities to bring the joy of life to those in need. The most memorable one was being a running partner with a student from a special needs school. At first, I was afraid that I would be unable to communicate and perform my duty. Nonetheless, things turned out to be easier than I thought. I was motivated when I saw the improvement of my partner in his personal best time during every training session.
Even though special needs people may lack certain abilities, their will and determination to complete goals is never inferior to ours. During training, they may seem tired at times, but they did not slow down and give up. Instead, they kept moving forward. This reminds me of how we should overcome the challenges in everyday life: The world out there may not always be sunshine and rainbows, but we can always keep our head up and embrace.
(Written by Reeve, January 2018)