As my final year study comes to an end, I look back the way I started and how I have become today’s me. I planned to choose accounting, but eventually I studied information systems. I am not a wanderlust, but I end up studying and traveling in multiple cities. I originally dreamed to be an IT consultant, but I later decide to explore my career in the finance industry instead. Life doesn’t always turn out the way you have planned. The lucky thing is that CityU is a place that allows me trying out new things. It is a beacon that leads me out of the storms and to find my destination. There is no better place than university to explore your personal interest and take solid steps to reach your goals. If you have nothing to lose, why hesitate to try out new things and see which destination is the best for you during your university life?
Don’t be afraid to change your plan
I was aspired to become an accountant when I first went into CityU. After I learned about the advancement of cloud computing, big data and artificial intelligence, I have changed my mind and studied in information systems as these are the future trends. Later in my studies, I wanted to acquire more technical knowledge on big data, I therefore get a minor in computer science and business intelligence. Eventually, I decided to develop my career in the finance industry, I then studied accounting and finance in my final year. Whenever there is a change in my study plan, I am more certain about myself and I will be one step closer to my goal.
Embrace the world
I was once a person who wished to stay in my comfort zone, but the exchange experience offered by my department has transformed me into another person. I first embraced the essence of European culture from University of Nottingham in the United Kingdom, then I went to Tsinghua University and witnessed the rapid growth of the modern China. The experience has developed my awareness on cultural diversity, contemporary global issues and innovative ideas, which I find particularly useful in Hong Kong, the pivot in Asia where east meets west. The diversity in lifestyles I experienced also inspires me to think about my preferred way of living.

Never Say Never to Yourself
When people see a tall ladder, some hesitate to climb up as they think it is unachievable or they fear the pain of falling. Similarly, some goals seem to be unrealistic in the first place. But if you go step by step with preparation, your hard work and dedication will eventually bring you to the goals. More importantly, when you have nothing to lose, you have nothing to fear of either. You should follow your heart and take every chance to make your dreams come true.
(Written by Jeffrey, August 2018)