People and Research People Department College of Business Department of Accountancy Department of Decision Analytics & Operations Department of Economics & Finance Department of Information Systems Department of Management Department of Marketing Staff types Academic Faculty Honorary and Adjunct Professors Administrative Staff Research Staff Prof. CHAU Suet Fung Dilys Adjunct Professor Office: LAU-13-213 +852 34427760 Prof. CHENG Chung Ching Raymond Adjunct Professor Office: LAU-13-213 +852 34427760 Prof. CHEUNG Chin Hoo Adjunct Professor Office: LAU-13-213 +852 34427760 Prof. LAI Derek Adjunct Professor Office: LAU-13-213 +852 34427760 Prof. LAM Charles Adjunct Professor Office: LAU-13-213 +852 34427760 Prof. WONG Lawrence Adjunct Professor Office: LAU-13-213 +852 34427760 Prof. WU Michael Adjunct Professor Office: LAU-13-213 +852 34427760