Programme Video

Why BBA Marketing

CityU BBA Marketing stands out from other BBA and Marketing programmes by providing a pioneering approach that consists of:

i-Marketing +

The “i” element of our programme refers to INTERACTIVE, INTERNATIONAL and INTELLIGENCE. With its discovery-enriched curriculum design, students in CityU Marketing interact and connect with world-class professors, top business leaders, experienced alumni, and executives from partner companies. They are strong in teamwork, presentation, problem solving, and communication with people of different backgrounds and cultures. As key technologies and trends will drive changes in the marketing industry, our various digital marketing courses are set to prepare students for facing the challenges of the digital marketing environment.

Global Marketing Stream

The stream aims to equip students with marketing knowledge in a global context. Students are expected to be outgoing and culture-sensitive, and prepared to be exposed to marketing strategies and institutions in various regions and countries. They have to complete a foreign language course and may have a chance to join more than one exchange program during their study period. All of these efforts ensure students are well-equipped and possess a strong foundation to succeed in the future world of work.

Marketing Analytics Stream

The stream aims to prepare students to be big data marketing experts with advanced data analysis skills. They are capable of interpreting and utilizing data to develop effective marketing strategies. Students are expected to be strong in numeric skills and statistical knowledge and be proficient in social media and digital marketing. Students may participate analytics-related internships and professional certification courses outside the program to become certified professionals in the field.  

Joint Degree Programmes with ESSEC Business School (ESSEC) and National Taiwan University (NTU)

The Department of Marketing distinctly encourages students to broaden their horizons and to actively engage in exchange and overseas internship programmes. In line with its aspirations, the Department organises joint degree programmes with top universities - ESSEC Business School and National Taiwan University (NTU) - for elite students to obtain two internationally recognised degrees within 4 years. Through the programme, students can sharpen their awareness of culture while building all-rounded competitive strengths and developing a blueprint for their future career development.

  • ESSEC Business School (ESSEC) is one of the top Business Schools in Europe and one of the few Business Schools well-recognised by all EQUIS, AMBA and AACSB. It was ranked top for Bachelor Degrees in France by the French magazine "Le Point: in 2022. ESSEC provides internationalised education: one-third of its students are from 98 countries and it receives over 500 inbound exchange students from around the globe every year.
  • National University of Taiwan (NTU) is the top university in Taiwan and ranked 68th on the QS World University Ranking in 2022, being the only university ranked within the Top 100 Universities in the World. NTU is the alma mater of many eminent Taiwanese, including the Nobel Prize winner.

市場營銷學系提出嶄新的「i-Marketing + Global Marketing & Marketing Analytics」培訓概念,致力於培育營銷專才及商業領袖:

i-Marketing +



  • INTERACTIVE: 課題活潑生動,強調學生、商界和導師三方交流。
  • INTERNATIONAL: 學系特別鼓勵學生多參加交換生計劃及海外實習,擴闊國際視野。
  • INTERLLIGENCE: 在浩蕩的數據世界中,商界對專業的市場數據分析和應用有極大的需求。課程提升學生分析、辨別、和應用前瞻性數據的商業智慧


旨在鼓勵學生積極面向世界,了解各地文化特色, 培養學生成為具環球視野的營銷精英,將來為企業靈活制定相關地區和國家的營銷策略。學生須修讀一門外語,並有機會參加多次海外交換生計劃,讓學生具備充分的能力和堅實的基礎,在未來職場環境中取得成功。




學系特別鼓勵學生擴闊國際視野,多參加交換生計劃及海外實習,學系更分別與頂尖的法國高等經濟商業學院(ESSEC)和國立台灣大學 (NTU)合辦雙學位課程,讓優秀的學生在四年內獲取兩個國際性的學位,培養多元文化觸覺,打造全方位的職場競爭力,開拓自己的事業版圖。

  • 法國高等經濟商業學院(ESSEC) 是歐洲最頂尖的商學院之一,被稱為「巴黎三大高商」,是少數獲得「商學院三重認證」的院校,更是法國雜誌 ‘Le Point’ 的 Bachelor Degree in France 2022 Ranking獲得第一名。ESSEC非常國際化,有1/3學生為來自98個國家的國際學生,每年有逾500位國際交流生。
  • 國立台灣大學 (NTU)是台灣排名第一的大學,於2022年QS世界大學排名是68,是全台灣唯一入選QS 排名前100名的大學,不少台灣名人都於台大出身,亦是台灣諾貝爾獎得主所在的學府。

Why BBA Marketing at CityU College of Business?

  1. The CityU BBA Marketing programme not only provides students with an interactive Internet-related learning environment and international exposure, but also with practical opportunities through which they can address real business issues by working collaboratively with local and global companies and peers. Students can combine classroom learning with on-site internships by working in top companies. CityU BBA Marketing is your best choice, setting you apart from other marketing graduates in the industry.

  2. The College of Business is among the top three business schools in Asia (

  3. Entrance scholarships of up to HK$265,000 are available for elite students (

  4. Overseas exchange and summer programmes are offered at over 200 partner universities around the globe! (

  5. Over 80% of students secure local and global internship opportunities in areas including banking, accounting, IT and consulting.

Career Prospects

Marketing careers are not only exciting and rewarding, but can also lead to top management positions. Marketing is an ideal field for those who enjoy working in teams and formulating strategies for company growth.

Business Career Services

The Business Career Service is committed to helping you enhance your employability by guiding you through all stages of the career development process, and by providing you with personalised career consultation with a coordinated team of advisors, plus career development workshops and career fairs, recruitment events, and up-to-date career related information. We offer students unique opportunities to build sustainable networks with industry communities. We aim to achieve these goals through providing

• Personalised service
• Up-to-date information
• Sustainable networks
• Coordinated advisors

Entrance Requirements for JUPAS Applicants

JUPAS Catalogue No. and Title
Minimum Level Required
Eng. Lang. Chi. Lang. Mathematics Citizenship and Social Development
Elective SubjectsNotes
Elective 1
Elective 2
BBA Marketing
Level 3 Level 3 Level 3 Attained Level 3 Level 3

- Unspecified electives my include Category A elective subjects, Mathematics extended modules (M1/M2) and Category C other language subjects (at grade E or above). If students take both M1 and M2, they are counted as one subject only.
- Applied Learning (ApL) subjects are not counted as elective subjects.
- For details of the alternative Chinese Language qualifications acceptable by the University for Non-Chinese Speaking (NCS) students, please visit

-The weight of English language is 1.5. The rest are 1.


For details, please visit:

Curriculum Structure

For details of the programme’s curriculum structure, please visit the 'Undergraduate Catalogue'

(Note: The catalogue for the 2022 cohort is for reference only. The 2023 catalogue will be published around July 2023.)

A Different Learning Experience

Company Consultancy Project

We emphasise current issues in Marketing and provide ample learning opportunities for students to gain professional competence and create their own success stories. Our students work as professional consultants and their tasks involve understanding consumer buying behaviour, analysing key competitors and formulating creative and cost-effective marketing strategies, to explore new business opportunities.

Our Company Partners

Company Consultancy Projects

The Company Consultancy Projects are well recognised in the industry and widely reported in the media. All of the participating companies highly commend the students for their creativity and presentation skills. Every year, many outstanding students have received Company Consultancy Project Awards for their innovative strategies and contributions.

Some of our Company Partners

Bank of Communications Trustee Ltd. BOC Group Life Assurance Company Limited
Capture HK Chiron Healthcare Group Limited
CLUB by HKT CooperVision Hong Kong Limited
Fotomax (F.E.) Limited Futu Securities International (Hong Kong) Limited
Great Eagle Holdings Limited Golden Resource Development Limited
Hays Heep Hong Society
Kabushikigaisha Ltd. Link REIT
Livi Bank Limited Moment Health
Otsuka Pharmaceutical (H.K.) Limited Limited QP Group
Shanghai Pudong Development Bank Co., Ltd. Whealthfields (Hong Kong) Limited
Zkin Advanced Beauty Ztore HK Limited

Internship Programme
Our students gain rich work experience through internship programmes, which include the Disney Cultural Exchange and Business Practice Internships organised by the College of Business. They enjoy the numerous opportunities offered to them in prominent advertising firms and in the marketing departments of global brands.

Business Leader Forum
To provide students with a more concrete and in-depth understanding of the real business environment, we regularly invite marketing professionals and business leaders from different sectors to share their unique work experiences and success stories with students. Dinner events with the speakers are arranged, to provide students with valuable opportunities to interact with business leaders. Past guest speakers include Mr Wing-Ching Shih (Founder of Centraline Property Agency Limited), Ms Ming Chan (General Manager of Hong Kong Airlines) and Ms Lily Au (Managing Director of General Mills Hong Kong and Taiwan).

Alumni Sharing

Ms. Ringo Leung

Executive Director
Investment Banking Division, Morgan Stanley Asia Limited

“I’m so blessed and proud to be an alumnus of CityU Marketing. What I’ve learned and experienced during the whole program inspired me to be a confident, all-round person with different types of skills and abilities to gradually stand out from the challenging business world. I was not born to be a marketing person, but the professors and lecturers shaped and molded my mind about how and why marketing / interpersonal skills and knowledge are indispensable in the real business world.”


Mr. Tommy Yeung

Assistant General Manager
New World Development

“I valued my learning journey in CityU BBA Marketing program. With a comprehensive curriculum and expert faculty, I gained the knowledge and skills necessary for success in my chosen field. The supportive and collaborative learning environment fostered my personal growth and development. The emphasis on practical problem-solving equipped me to tackle real-world challenges with confidence. Thanks to the challenging final year projects, the networking opportunities and industry connections enhanced my professional prospects. The program empowered me to thrive and achieve my goals.”


Ms. Agnes Pun

Partner & Executive Director 
Asia Bankers Club & Golden Emperor

“Throughout my studies in the Marketing major, I have gained a solid understanding of marketing principles and strategies, supported by real case studies featuring companies like Watsons. Collaborating with brands and teammates, these case studies have provided me with practical knowledge and the ability to apply marketing concepts to real-world situations. Overall, I am equipped with valuable skills and strategic thinking to navigate the ever-evolving marketing landscape and drive business success. As a result, I feel more prepared than other fresh graduates in the same position to excel in my career.”

Co-curricular Activities

Overseas Summer Programmes

It is Derek Fung’s exchange story at the University of Bath in UK. He celebrated Holi Festival with his friends!
“No matter where you are, led your colorful life!”


It is Chelsi Chan’s exchange story at the University of New Hampshire in US. She spent a relaxing afternoon on the Brooklyn Bridge.
“Endeavor something remarkable when you are young.”

Orientation Camp

Strategic Marketing Committee

More can be found at

Useful Links

Admission Code JS1007
BBA Marketing
Mode of study
Full time
tuition fee
Year of entry
Mode of funding
Government funded
Normal study period
4 years
Mode of processing
Rolling Basis
Level of study
Bachelor's degree
Programme Leader
Dr Vincent FOK
+852 3442 7973
General Enquiries
Admissions Tutor
Mr Alex THAM
+852 3442 7851